Umm el-Kheir joined by Jewish activists on Int. Human Rights day. December 10, 2016. Credit: Masih Sadat/The Turban Times

IN PICTURES: Jewish activists join citizens of Umm el-Kheir on Human Rights Day

The people of Umm el-Kheir, a Palestinian village in the southern West Bank, live under the constant threat of demolitions carried out by Israeli forces, as well as harassment from the army and settlers. On International Human Rights Day, residents and activists spoke about the struggle to access basic rights under occupation.

My video article from Umm el-Kheir on International Human Rights Day, published on +972 Magazine and Jewish Voice for Peace:

Human Rights VS. Israeli Settlements

“We hope one day to live without demolitions. To live in peace in my village.”

Tareeq Hathaleen,
Resident: Umm el Kheir

Posted by Jewish Voice for Peace on Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Pictures by Masih Sadat/The Turban Times:

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